Grigoriou Labraki 21 and Distomou – Piraeus 18534
210 4142512
Karakasnaki Maria
Maria Karakasnaki is Assistant Professor at the Department of Maritime Studies of University of Piraeus.
Maria Karakasnaki studied Accounting and Finance in Athens University of Economics and Business (2010). She continued her studies in Shipping in University of Piraeus (M.Sc. in Shipping, 2010) and she received her Ph.D. title in Management and Quality aspects from the Department of Maritime Studies of University of Piraeus (2016).
Management principles, Leadership and human resource management in shipping, Strategy in shipping, Special topics of decision making in shipping
service quality, quality management, human resource management
- Karakasnaki, M., Psomas, E. and Bouranta, N. (2019) “The interrelationships among organizational culture and service quality under different levels of competitive intensity: an application in the shipping industry”, International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 217-234.
- Karakasnaki, M., Vlachopoulos, P., Pantouvakis, A. and Bouranta, N. (2018) “ISM Code implementation: an investigation of safety issues in the shipping industry”, WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs, Vol. 17, pp. 461-474.
- Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2018) “The human talent and its role on ISM Code effectiveness and competitiveness in the shipping industry”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 45, No. 5, pp. 649-664.
- Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2018), “The role of Agility and Organizational Learning Culture in forming Long Lasting relations in Shipping”, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 160-180.
- Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2017), “Role of the human talent in total quality management–performance relationship: an investigation in the transport sector”, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, Vol. 28, No. 9-10, pp. 959-973.
- Pantouvakis, A. and Karakasnaki, M. (2016), “An empirical assessment of ISM Code effectiveness on performance: the role of ISO certification”, Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 43, No. 7, pp. 874-886.
Leadership, Communication and Groups in shipping
Karakasnaki Maria