Christodoulou Anastasia


Gr. Lambraki 21 & Distomou – Piraeus, 18533


+30 2104142536

Χριστοδούλου Αναστασία

Dr. Anastasia Christodoulou is an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Blue Economy at the Department of Maritime Studies at the University of Piraeus.

Dr. Anastasia Christodoulou is an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Blue Economy at the Department of Maritime Studies at the University of Piraeus. She has worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Department of Strategy & Innovation of Copenhagen Business School as well as at the School of Business, Economics & Law of Gothenburg University in Sweden in the area of sustainable shipping and ports. She is a Visiting Professor and former Research Associate of World Maritime University specializing in maritime energy management issues. She has extensive experience in teaching sustainable maritime operations (including air pollution from shipping, oil spills, ballast water, development of sustainable multimodal transport chains) at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She holds a PhD in maritime studies from the University of Piraeus, Greece; her dissertation focused on the assessment and evaluation of various instruments that could lead to the internalization of the external cost of greenhouse gas emissions from shipping. She was awarded with a Lighthouse Swedish Maritime Competence Center Fellowship for postdoctoral research (2017-2020) as well as a State Scholarship Foundation of Greece Fellowship for PhD dissertation research (2008-2011). She has been involved as a key researcher in various European, regional and national research projects and has published several peer-reviewed academic articles in a number of well-established academic journals; namely Transportation Research Part D: Transport & Environment, Maritime Economics & Logistics, Maritime Policy & Management, Transport Policy, Marine Pollution Bulletin. She is member of the World Conference of Transport Research Society and the International Association of Maritime Economists.

Publications in Scientific journals  (last 5 years)

  • Christodoulou, A., Gonzalez-Aregall, M., Linde, T., Vierth, I. and Cullinane, K. (2019) Targeting the reduction of shipping emissions to air: A global review and taxonomy of policies, incentives and measures. Maritime Business Review 4(1), pp. 16-30.
  • Christodoulou, A. and Cullinane, K. (2023) The Prospects for, and implications of, Emissions Trading in Shipping. Maritime Economic & Logistics, pp. 1-17.
  • Christodoulou, A. and Cullinane, K. (2022) Potential alternative fuel pathways for compliance with the ‘FuelEU Maritime Directive’. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 112(2022), 103492.
  • Christodoulou, A., Raza, Z. and Woxenius, J. (2019) The integration of RoRo shipping in sustainable intermodal transport chains: the case of a North European RoRo service. Sustainability 11(8), 2422.
  • Christodoulou, A. and Cullinane, K. (2020) Potential of, and drivers for, private voluntary initiatives for the decarbonisation of short sea shipping: evidence from a Swedish ferry line. Maritime Economics & Logistics. https://doi.10.1057/s41278-020-00160-9
  • Christodoulou, A. and Cullinane, K. (2019) Identifying the Main Opportunities and Challenges from the Implementation of a Port Energy Management System: a SWOT/PESTLE Analysis. Sustainability 11(21), 6046.
  • Konstantinus, A., Zuidgeest, M., Christodoulou, A., Raza, Z. and Woxenius, J. (2019) Barriers and Enablers for Short Sea Shipping in the Southern African Development Community. Sustainability 11(6), 1532.
  • Christodoulou, A. and Kappelin, H. (2020) Determinant factors for the development of maritime supply chains: the case of the Swedish forest industry. Case Studies on Transport Policy 8(3), pp. 711-720.
  • Christodoulou, A., Dalaklis, D., Ölcer, A. and Ballini, F. (2021) Can market-based measures stimulate investments in green technologies? A review of proposed market-based measures. Transactions on Maritime Science 10(1). 10.7225/toms.v10.n01.017
  • Christodoulou, A. and Woxenius, J. (2019) Sustainable Short Sea Shipping (editorial). Sustainability 11(10), 2847.
  • Christodoulou, A., Dalaklis, D., Ölcer, A. and Masodzadeh, P.G. (2021) Inclusion of Shipping in the EU-ETS: Assessing the Direct Costs for the Maritime Sector Using the MRV Data. Energies 14(13), 3915.
  • Masodzadeh, P.G., Ölçer, A., Ballini, F. and Christodoulou, A. (2022) How to Bridge the Short-term Measures to the Market Based Measure? Proposal of a New Hybrid MBM Based on a New Standard in Ship Operation. Transport Policy 118 (2022), pp. 123-142.
  • Christodoulou, A., Dalaklis, D., Raneri, P. and Sheehan, R. (2022) An Overview of the Legal Search and Rescue Framework and Infrastructure along the Northern Sea Route. Marine Policy 138 (2022), 104985.
  • Sheehan, R., Dalaklis, D., Christodoulou, A., Drewniak, K., Raneri, P. and Dalaklis, A. (2021) The Northwest Passage in the Arctic: A Brief Assessment of the Relevant Marine Transportation System and Current Availability of Search and Rescue Services. Logistics 5(23).
  • Masodzadeh, P.G., Ölçer, A., Ballini, F. and Christodoulou, A. (2022) A review on barriers to and solutions for shipping decarbonization based on a barrier template inspired by other industrial sectors. Marine Pollution Bulletin 184, 114008.
  • Vakili, S., Ballini, F., Schönborn, A., Christodoulou, A., Dalaklis, D. and Ölçer, A. (2023) Assessment of the Potential Economic and Societal Impacts of Slow Steaming to Meet the IMO’s Initial Greenhouse Gas Strategy Goals. Journal of Shipping & Trade 8(2).
  • Dalaklis, D., Drewniak, M., Christodoulou, A., Sheehan, R. and Dalaklis, A. (2022) Future Arctic Regulatory Interventions: Discussing the Impact of Banning the Use of Heavy Fuel Oil. Polar Geography.
  • Drewniak, M., Dalaklis, D., Christodoulou, A. and Sheehan, R. (2021) Ice-Breaking Fleets of the United States and Canada: Assessing the Current State of Affairs and Future Plans. Sustainability 13(2), 703.
  • Dalaklis, D., Christodoulou, A., Ölçer, A., Ballini, F., Dalaklis, A. and Lagdami, K. (2022) The Port of Gothenburg Under the Influence of the Fourth Stage of the Industrial Revolution: Implementing a Wide Portfolio of Digital Tools to Optimize the Conduct of Operations. Maritime Technology and Research 4(3), 253844.
  • Ichimura, Y., Dalaklis, D., Kitada, M. and Christodoulou, A. (2022) Shipping in the era of digitalization: Mapping the future strategic plans of major maritime commercial actors. Digital Business 2(1), 100022.
  • Dong, D.T, Schönborn, A., Christodoulou, A., Ölcer, A.I., González-Celis, J. (2023) Life cycle assessment of ammonia/hydrogen-driven marine propulsion. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment.
  • Dalaklis, D., Christodoulou, A., Nilsson, H., Larsson, J. and Pazaver, A. (2020) Enhancing oil spill response capacities in the South Baltic Sea region via cross-border utilization of biodegradable oil binders. Maritime Technology and Research 2(3), 174-186.

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